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Meet Me

         Angela is a 16-year-old female currently residing in Alberta, Canada. She is a  junior in high school and lives with her parents and younger sister. Her current obsessions are band, knitting, and all things coffee. Her love of books comes from her love of the library. She quotes "the library is the homiest and safe place, for book enthusiasts to read. Plus you save money!" The library has been her main source of books since the prime age of seven when she read Geronimo Stilton for the first time. She is a very school focused gal, so she spends most of her time doing school work, which is why she reads at an exponentially fast rate. Angela loves all food (as clearly shown in the side picture), and has been caught multiple times hiding in her pantry. If you haven't noticed yet she has absolutely no idea what she is doing. She decided to start this blog to share her love of books and reading with other people but doesn't actually know how well that is going to turn out. If you want to give her advice or just share book recommendations/talk with her, her email and socials will be provided. â€‹

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